Town Square Community Center

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Famous Whole Wheat Raisin Bread with Elaine Gustavson

Elaine Gustavson and Granddaughter Christina Leonard….which is which?

About Elaine: The fountain of youth is rumored to be in Florida. But it might be in Green Lake. Elaine Gustavson and husband Gary--aka Gus--spend time in both places. And it's a pretty sure bet they've found it. 

Elaine is the ultimate activity girl....organizing, exercising, cooking, hosting parties, creating activities for her grandchildren. Her level of energy is simply amazing. If you are tired of hearing about everyone's latest health issues, aches and pains, and complaints about the things they used-to-be-able-to-do, you definitely need to meet this woman. Talking to her is like sipping on an energy drink.

A transplant from Lake Bluff, Illinois, Elaine has been in Green Lake for 18 years. At Town Square, she is an active volunteer, especially loving to work with arts and kids programs, including Camp Chocolate. She, herself, is a watercolor artist, who "loves the mystery of what a painting might become." And she doesn't mind discarding the ones that don't work. She is also an avid gardener, and hopes that the "deer and bunnies" will stay away from her ground cover this year.

In their "spare time," Elaine and Gus love to travel, and have ridden bicycles through places including the US, South Africa, New Zealand, Majorca, Italy and England...."to name a few."

She baked her Green Lake Cookbook installment with her granddaughter, Christina Leonard, who she says also loves to cook. What a team!


Warm from the oven….Yum!

From the kitchen of Elaine Gustavson

Step 1: SPONGE
You will need:

  • 6 Cups Warm Water

  • 2/3 Cup Local Honey

  • 2 Tbsp + 1 Tsp Dry Yeast, not quick

  • 4 Cups King Arthur White Bread Flour

  • 5-6 Cups King Arthur Whole Wheat Flour

What to do with it:

  1. Sprinkle yeast over water/honey in a large bowl. Let sit 5 minutes. Stir to dissolve.

  2. Add white bread flour and whole wheat flour.

  3. Beat until smooth.

  4. Cover and let rise 30 minutes. Do not let it fall, as it will weaken the yeast.


  • 1/2 Cup Canola Oil, expeller pressed

  • 1/2 Cup Millet

  • 1/2 Cup Wheat Germ: Toasted "Kretschmer"

  • 2 Tbsp + 1 Tsp Salt

  • 3-4 Cups Whole Wheat Flour


  1. Pour out onto floured counter.

  2. Knead in 1-2 cups whole wheat flour for 10 minutes until smooth and easy to handle.

  3. Return dough to bowl, cover.

  4. Let rise one hour.

  5. Return dough to counter and divide into four pieces.

  6. Shape each into balls and then rectangles, 6" x 10".

  7. Top with 2 Tbsp cinnamon/sugar mix (1 C cinnamon to 1/2 C sugar) for each loaf, and then add more raisins.


Roll each rectangle. Be sure to keep cinnamon and sugar within the loaf so it does not stick to the bread pan while baking.

Step 5: RISE

Rise about 30 minutes, uncovered. Slice tops the long way with a serrated knife.

Step 6: BAKE

In a PRE-HEATED 350-degree oven for 40-50 minutes. Remove immediately from pans to cool on racks.