Town Square Community Center

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Linda Burkart

July 28, 2020, Green Lake, WI - Every single week of the year you will catch Linda volunteering both outside and inside Town Square. You can usually find her making sure Hangers: Resale Therapy is stocked with the donated new or gently used women’s clothing each week or getting her hands dirty with landscaping around the square. 

Linda has been involved with Town Square since inception when the founders started laying the framework for the community center. She remembers walking into the building for the first time shortly after keys exchanged hands, and only the office furniture remained. It was as if everyone had just simply disappeared. It was an interesting experience and was part of her motivation to help create something from nothing for the community. 

As a Town Square volunteer, Linda admits “We could use more volunteers, even if it is just for an hour or so a week.” There are all types of opportunities for volunteers to get involved including maintaining flowers and making sure the water in the fountain is full. Or, if you enjoy people, maybe being a lobby receptionist or tour guide is more for you. 

Linda adds that she wants people to know Town Square does not receive any tax dollars and operates on private donations from people like YOU. 

When you see Linda working around the building, you truly see her dedication and passion. She is an invaluable advocate for Town Square’s mission: to enrich the lives of Green Lake community members, family, and friends by providing cultural, social, recreational, educational, and economic opportunities to people of all ages. 

Thank you, Linda!