Town Square Community Center

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Town Square is Your Hot Spot Home-Away-from-Home

July 29, 2020, Green Lake, WI - Is your WiFi operating in fits? Or not at all? Town Square has always been one of our community’s “hottest spots,” and this year, it’s gotten even hotter than ever. This spring, your Town Square Community Center fully upgraded our internet service, converting to One Gigabyte Service, with a router/firewall and network switches providing dedicated bandwidth and WiFi access points throughout the building. 

The project was made possible, of course, by generous community donations. It took three entire weeks of installation, weaving through the three old Town Square buildings, circa 1899, 1965, and 1985. 

But talk about timing: with more people than ever working from home and communicating with friends and family electronically, our new powerful WiFi allows Town Square to provide yet another important service to the community. 

If you want to log on, you have two options:

  • Flexible? Come on over and jump online: passwords are posted throughout the building (no guarantee of peace and quiet; you’ll have to take your chances).

  • Need to concentrate on a project? Call Amy Reese at 920-807-0008 to reserve your dedicated spot for just $20 for two hours, available in two-hour increments. And yes, that payment will help support your nonprofit community center.

The upgrade also benefits the many other nonprofit organizations housed at Town Square, providing greatly improved service to the Green Lake Association, Freeland Film Festival, the Green Lake Conservancy, Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services, and this fall, The Boy & Girls Club.

Thank you once again, Town Square supporters, for giving all of our community members access to the internet during this trying year.