Town Square Community Center

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Meet Our 2021 Leadership Team

With Town Square’s 10th anniversary just a year and a half away, key individuals have stepped forward to lead the organization toward this important milestone. “This community center, after starting from basically nothing, has become the heart and soul of Green Lake,” said Fran Hill, who is returning as executive director with a commitment to solidifying Town Square for long-term sustainability.

Board leadership includes Mary Cyrier as President, Phil Burkart as Treasurer, and Jo Ellen Madden as Secretary. “We felt that it was important for our most active, engaged and committed members--including our founders--to play leading roles as we raise Town Square to a level where it will serve as our generation’s legacy to Green Lake,” explained Ms. Hill.

Board President Mary Cyrier joined the Town Square board two years ago and has dramatically impacted the organization as a member of its community relations and investment committees. A former pharmaceutical executive, she brings to her role extensive experience in strategic planning, executive search, succession planning, change management and leadership development.

Board Treasurer Phil Burkart is one of the founding members of Town Square Community Center and has remained an active member of its executive committee, heading the finance committee and committing countless hours as a volunteer. Prior to retirement, he was president of Burkart-Heisdorf and McCone Insurance Municipal Division and previously served as senior vice president and corporate officer with Applied Power Corporation..

Board Secretary Jo Ellen Madden is one of the founding members of the Downtown Green Lake Renewal Project, the organization that merged with Town Square in 2015. Her efforts on behalf of the Renewal Project include creating the Deacon Mills Wharf and beautifying downtown. At Town Square, she and her family have given time, talent, and treasure on an ongoing basis, working to engage fellow donors, attract fellow volunteers, and organize events, such as the White Hot Party. Most recently, she and her husband Sean underwrote a complete restoration of Town Square’s Ballroom.

Larry Gundrum, recently retired as executive director, remains an active member of the Town Square board, serving on the finance committee, advising on operations and building issues as well as creating new events, including a first-annual Craft Beer and Food Festival scheduled for October of this year. 

“This has been--and will continue to be--an amazing journey,” said Ms. Hill. “With the active participation and support of our community members, Town Square has grown into a true force for growth and vibrancy in Green Lake. It’s exciting to think about the possibilities that lie before us.”