Town Square Community Center

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More Zoom Classes Added for February!

You asked. We delivered! 2 more zoom classes for the month of February. Be able to partake in programs with other members of the community from the comfort of your home!

Virtual Live Events – Life Hack Series: 5 Keys to Retiring Fearlessly

Want to remove stress in your life? Meeting financial obligations always makes the top of the list of life’s major stress producers. Having a good retirement plan that allows you to achieve your financial goals goes a long way to alleviating that stress.

You are never too young to understand how to invest in your retirement wisely, especially now that people live longer than past generations.  This virtual live workshop will help you, no matter what stage you are in your career, to discover five keys to unlocking a retirement where you can have confidence in your ability to live out your dreams.

Presenter Cathy Hargrave, who has been with Thrivent Financial for six years, is dedicated to helping people focus on their goals and priorities, guiding them towards financial choices that will help them live the life they want both now and in the future. She is an engaging presenter who makes this often-intimidating topic extra easy to wrap your head around! 

Seats are limited. Register for free today!

*All programs and events are subject to change.

Composition and Storytelling Photography Class via Zoom. The $20 fee covers both classes. 

Virtual Live Event Part 1 - Composition and Storytelling (Wednesday, February 24, 7 - 8:00 p.m.)

There is a lot more to taking good photos than finding a good subject and pressing a button. In this introduction to photographic composition, you’ll learn how to make your photographs go from good to great. Learn about the critical elements that work together to make a photo work, including creating a photographic frame, subject placement, creating balance, rule of thirds, and how to use vertical, diagonal, and horizontal lines to compose your images. 

As part of the class, you'll be presented with a variety of photographic assignments along with specific shooting instructions. You’ll then be invited to shoot any or all of the assignments and present your work at the following class.

Virtual Live Event Part 2 - Photo Review, Instruction, and Critique (Wednesday, March 3, 7 - 8:00 p.m.) 

Experience has shown that the review and critique process is one of the best ways to learn, get new ideas, and be motivated to expand your photographic vision. In this class, you’ll join the instructor and fellow students to review and discuss the best images from the previous week’s photographic assignments and learn how to improve how you can approach and capture your images.

Seats are limited so register today!