Town Square Community Center

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Welcome Tami Doering

Just in time for a super-busy-crazy-fun-filled season, chock full of big events for you, your family, your friends...and all of those new friends that you’re about to meet...we welcome Tami Doering as our new Program and Event Manager. The short and sweet of it is this: she is a top-notch organizer who can make Town Square and Green Lake GO GO GO.

This is not Tami’s first rodeo at Town Square. That’s right. She had been our program and event manager before, until she went to the dogs: An animal lover at heart, she left for a position at the Humane Society. But HA! We stole her right back, with a promise that she could bring as many animal-lover-oriented programs as she wanted to Town Square. You might remember conversations about Senior Pets, Golden Retriever Rescue, Journey Together Service Dogs and Emotional Beasts. Along with Tami, more great programs like these will be back. Keep your eyes peeled as they pop up on our program schedule.

Tami brings to her position more than two decades of experience in administration, event creation and marketing. After growing up in Wisconsin, and then living on the east coast and then Colorado, she and her husband have been back in the good old Midwest--Green Lake to be exact--for three years. And she is committed to seeing our little community grow and thrive.

If you have ideas for programs or events, stop in Town Square and meet (or “re-meet”) Tami, or drop her an email at