Town Square Community Center

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Time to Get Cookin (Again)

Are we there yet? How many more minutes? How many more miles? I have to go to the bathroom. I’m bored. She’s in my space. I’m hungry.

In January, we all looked forward to a perfect year. Starting off on another fun-filled trip to a new and exciting destination. 

Not so much. 

Instead, the usual back-seat-conversation has come front and center. The road map flew out the window. The GPS broke. The road signs were wrong. There were detours. Flat tires. Potholes. Oil leaks. Slippery roads. 

It’s enough to make you want to just pull over and give up. But, because of you, we did not pull over. And we did not give up. We stayed at the wheel. We slowed down. We redrew the map. And just kept going. With virtual programs. Smaller gatherings. Important fixes to our community center. 

Believe it or not, it’s been a BUSY YEAR at Town Square. How did that happen? Because of your kindness and generosity. So many have stepped forward to keep gas in the tank with donations. Volunteers have fixed the flat tires. And when it looked like we might get stuck, White Hot Boat Party donors got out and pushed.

So, we’re still on the road. And we’re still going. We don’t know how many more minutes. We don’t know how many more miles. But we do know one thing….

We’re hungry! 

So, as we put away the grills and get back into the kitchen, we’re getting back to the Yet-to-Be-Named-Green-Lake-Cookbook. Several recipes, from before we got so BUSY (thank you!) are still in the queue, so look for those soon. And keep ‘em coming.

E-mail me at, and be sure to include some fun facts about yourself and a photo of you and your delicious creation.