Our Kind of PPP

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Everyone’s talking about PPP. If you’re the SBA: it’s the Payroll Protection Program. If you’re a football fan, it’s Post Packers Pain. If you’re into living in a great community, it’s our Patching and Painting Parties at Town Square.

Town Square has about the coolest lobby around. And we’re about to start making it even cooler with a total refresh. Photos, Posters, Donor and Volunteer Names. You’re going to LUV IT, and you can be part of making it happen! First step: Prepping the walls for painting by removing everything and patching on this Sunday, February 7th. 

Even if you’re going to watch the Superbowl this Sunday, consider this for a pre game show: Our Patching Party, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm is a great way to work off your Post Packer Pain. Meet in the Town Square lobby, and wear old clothes. You can go home happy and exhausted. Eat a nice big snack. And sleep through the game, knowing that our Pack will be back before you know it.

Then, on Sunday the 14th, join us again for our Painting Party, which will be Total Fun. Talk about instant gratification….there’s simply nothing like putting a new coat of paint onto an elegant old building for instant and dramatic transformation. If you’ve never done it, you are missing out! Come over on the 14th. Same Time. Same Place. 11 am to 2 pm in the Town Square lobby.

Refreshments will be on hand, and plenty of laughter and friendship as well. Afraid of wrecking your clothes? We’ll have the keys to Hangers Resale Therapy shop on hand…..just sayin’

If you’d like to volunteer, shoot an email to Fran Hill at fhill@greenlaketownsquare.org. Hope to see you there!!!

Administrator Town Square